Sunday, July 22, 2007

My pupils' sheer incompetence at formal letter writing has got me so overworked I need to rant somewhere. I don't have any b&j's in the fridge which I suspect is what I need.

It isn't like it's their purely virgin attempt; even if this was the very first time they've tried writing a full piece out, it isn't like I threw them into the deep end of the pond. I didn't okay. First, I spent an entire period going through the format [which during my time, was simply passed to us to memorise] and even testing them on it. Talk about spoon-feeding. Then I spent even more periods doing content, after which they went into groups and wrote me a sample paragraph. Went through the better ones with them, kept asking them if they understood, I got sooooo many confident nods.........

Now I'm marking a class' practice attempt, and well now. Guess who seems to have wasted an entire week.


If I wasn't so disappointed as well I'd probably be only furious. I have to spend my time [my unpaid time, mind you] marking rubbish? Like, what, I'm supposed to be grateful they wrote me half a page of blather? One of them was totally brilliant. Copied out the preamble of the handout almost word for word, and then promptly forgets to change the pronoun, so that his letter to dr. ong contains a sentence that reads, "Due to this problem, Dr Ong wants the views of the pupils on this matter...". What, does he think his dear principal schizophrenic or something?

I'm going to vomit blood.

okay that sounded unglamourous.


Anonymous said...

are you underestimating us? we didn't have much time either. we definitely would've fared better in the exams cos then we would take it seriously. and who's that 'dr. ong' guy anw?

Anonymous said...

ehh.. i don think u shld rant when your students can see it.. ^^

bobamey said...

hey guys, now that you know how your teacher feels, the least you could do is apologise for not putting in your utmost effort in your work. i know sometimes you guys don't think that it's worth it, why bother to put in so much effort that doesn't count to your final grade right? but think of your teacher. think of all the effort she put in to teaching you. think of the frustrating hours spent marking your work. the work that you didn't put in effort. put yourself in her shoes. she puts in so much effort, but what she gets in return is seriously lacking. if you only take your work seriously during exams, it would be too late, as you wouldn't have enough practice doing it 'seriously'.

now that you guys know how teachers feel when you hand in half-hearted work, perhaps you can do something about it. just focus on something for an hour or so, do it once, do it well. after that you can go do your own stuff. both parties will be happy. wouldn't you rather have a happy relationship with your teacher? and see her write nice things about you?

Anonymous said...

yeah agreed. in the first place, sean... this is HER blog and i think she has a right to write what she wants. and yeah. you guys know that she's putting in effort to try and pass on some knowledge to all of you. all she's asking is for you all to even just listen to her. and put in a little bit more effort in your work. you do realise that disappointment comes when you don't meet her expectations so she's not underestimating you. she expects more of you, but you're not up to it. THAT'S why she's disappointed. give a little more respect to her please.

harpist said...

to the students of miss ng:

i understand your frustration at not being able to have enough time for to complete the assignment properly. But i don't think it is right to say that you will fare better under other circumstances as an excuse. And from the issues of copying and shoddiness i heard, the very least you could do is to appear apologetic and not claim your teacher is underestimating you. I sense your indignation but if you really had the potential you claim you do, you would have shown it. A teacher can tell when effort has been put in and concepts learnt have been applied, even if the work is not fantastic and has errors.

If it's any comfort, i used to hand in shoddy work too and did the routine desperate copying of chinese and a.math homework. I never realized how disheartening it can be to the teacher till i took on the role over 2 terms myself.

i hope things get sorted out soon and everyone can start again with a fresh attitude towards learning.

hugs rach.
love, miss yap.

zphggog - zipadeedodah goggles.

Anonymous said...

Fine. SORRY Miss Ng on behalf of the whole class ok?

Anonymous said...

hey, ms ng... dont vomit and gt sick or die coz our exams r in 4 more days... ok?

Anonymous said...

heh. sorry i missed all the excitement.

nayr: i wasn't talking about your class. (: and you did quite well for your formal letter anyway.

hello brian. (: no i'll try my utmost to stay alive okay. even if i cough up blood i'll still come to class okay? :)

and to all my friends. THANK YOU. thank you so much for your vote of confidence. i heart all of you muchly yes.