Saturday, July 21, 2007

from newspapers to wishlists

Was reading the papers last night, the first in a really long time, and was quite astounded by just how long I hadn't read.

I think the greatest shock came from the funnies section. I mean, there are so many changes but the only one I can remember now-and with great clarity at that- is garfield. The last time I read, jon'd just gotten together with his vet girlfriend. Last night, vet girlfriend was coaxing garfield to like her too because he was throwing a jealous huff [how garfield, haha]. I was like, already? They've gone past the dating-each-other stage and it's now meet-the-in-laws? Never mind that jon's in-laws at present are garfield and odie, and that his real parents are someover over the farm. I missed it all.

I feel deprived. ):


I was reading one of my lengthier posts written in april/may thereabouts in which I outlined the future as far as I could see from after the exams till school reopens again. Well I think the single greatest thing I failed in predicting was what I'd do after I came back from the philippines. I thought I'd go back to being a camp instructor/trainer but hey these days I wake up everyday sixish and don teacherish apparel.

It's been quite a ride so far and I'm not regreting it horribly [heh] but I think one of the things I haven't had for a long long while now is time to myself. One of the major committments I took on since last year involved a lot of close human contact with total strangers. Well yes as the months passed they're scarcely strangers now and especially not since they were the people I lived literally 24/7 with for five weeks in the philippines, but since I've been back [about a month now] I haven't had time out either.

-and my mind stops thinking from here.-

These days I meet an average of a 100 boys a day in the morning till early afternoon, take 33 back to eusoff and eat a fong seng lunch at 4ish. Most times the next thing that happens is that I get koed by the post-lunch syndrome and there for lie unconcious on the bed for two hours or so. By the time I wake up it's almost time for dinner.
Maybe some thing will change.

Someone's talking to daddy outside our house now and he sounds rather like uncle arthur from our old place. I miss bt timah somewhat. My brother does too, I know.
Speaking of which, we had dinner together yesterday, and chilled out after that. :) It's really really good talking with my brother and during the times that we share experiences from our lives I'm amazed-and perturbed- at how similar they are. I know his life and its previous events could not have been in any way affected by me but what happened to him before I've gone through it too, and wish with all my heart my baby brother could have been spared the stupidity of his peers. And yes, his personality did adapt to cope with the circumstances. In that way we're both the same; we both have that loner in us, the nochalant attitude when it comes to most relationships because we know their worth, but for those whose worth we value we cherish. I think my brother is a diamond in the rough. And he's my baby brother no more. (:

On a random ending note, I'd like to announce that I've had the itch to create a wishlist for a long, long, long time now.

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