Monday, June 16, 2008


It cannot be possible! How can it be so cold in Wellington?? It's the CAPTIAL for goodness sakes don't global warming and urban cities count for something. I DON'T HAVE THE CLOTHES YOU DUMB WEATHERMAN I ONLY HAVE CLOSE TO THIRTY (PRETTY) DRESSES.

hello geographer I am not going to ANTARTICA! Can someone tell them map makers please that they got it wrong, they need to send them negative temperature values back to the south pole, that the ice caps need to stay frozen thankyouverymuch.


okay i just argued with my brother over something so insignificantly stupid i am tired goodbye i leave in four days.


harpist said...

Why Wellington is so cold:

a) The southern hemi is having winter. I don't think you need the technical details why.

b) You could have forgot the time difference and checked when it was 3am over there. Because when i checked just a minute ago, it was 11 degrees. Simple rule - when the sun goes down, it gets cold.

c) The capital city manages its urban heat island effect so well that it dips below freezing. Chances of that happening - not very likely.

d) Latitutde of Wellington is somewhere 41 degrees south. It is closer to the South pole than to the Equator. Hence - the cold is expected.

e) Penguins have been channeling cold air in your direction as it is their annual Let's Freeze New Zealand holiday. This year, they have hit a new record.

f) Everyone looks like a ba zhang in winter. It is a fact of life. You don't need to look pretty, you just need to keep your toes intact. Just get pretty scarf/boots/gloves/hat. At least then you'll look like a coordinated ba zhang.

g) The next cold war is beginning.

h) I am not making sense anymore and shall stop writing.

gzjckrq - goes jack the rack

Unheard voice said...

I seriously don't think you'll care how you look when you're freezing your extremities off.. I already get arthritic fingers in the sub-twenty temp in office.. And checking the temp's good.. The time i went to NZ, me mom told me it was like summer.. I brought a total of 1 jeans to the 10+ degrees Spring-Summer transition.. Gosh..
And from last, how do you moderate an XXL? :>

rpd said...

erica- you have a fan; someone read your comment and said you "write cool" ((:

and jon, i don't know how to moderate XXL..

soeaht: so eat heat!