this one was taken candid, but for some reason i actually don't look too bad. which obviously follows that i need to declare this phenomenon: you can look fine unglam!
a lot of the photos had my eyes looking like this. it makes me feel like i'm a cat.
a muffed-up shot i ended up liking.
i had no idea what i was doing, it looks like i'm dancing. for the record, the theme for campfire was 'back to school', so i duly borrowed a uniform.
i have honestly no recollection of this action. either way, i must have been bullied.
and now, the Pièce de résistance:
moi at 18, and then again at 21. what do you think? (:
Not much's changed.. Not that can see much from the 18 pic tho.. Hehs.. The fine unglam pic is really nice! Like it.. :>
yeah i couldn't find a big enough photo =(
yayyy thanks! and gosh you commented SO FAST like, literally within 10 mins or sth
Eh? Oh, haha, luck o e draw i guess.. Hehs..
nice smile. =)
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