Thursday, May 08, 2008

an academic rachel prancing around the library

so quoteth I from aik. He says I look academic (a. and that maybe it's my glasses, and b. except I don't sound academic), and he can imagine me "prancing around the library shelves" (lim, 2008). Along those lines.

I've been working for doctor mark as a research assistant since the exams ended, which means I've been living in the library and that makes for irony. On the first day I spent 9 hours in the library, which is more than the time vested during the entire semester as a student.

It's thursday now, and I've just finished scouring the online database for yet more titles. I think I'm still slightly hungover from last night; my brain's somewhat spacey and structuring my sentences now takes considerably more effort than it normally does. Hopefully I don't make outlandish grammar errors while writing this post.

okay. brain just did a mini trapeez swing in the confines of my skull. definitely still mmhurhurwheeing. But I suppose it's a lot better than it might have been, because I followed the advice of a loving friend and drank more-water-than-jonah-probably-did-when-he-was-larking-around-the-oceans before I slept. Of course, it also means I had to get out of my bed and stumble blearily along the corridor four times in the fourish hours of sleep I clocked. BUTT. I am way extremely super more powerful than derrick, who just woke up, and weiliang, who's probably still sleeping, and aik, who's gone back to crash after drinking water with ang mo guards at the spiffy american embassy. Very impressed with myself, I am.

Alright, I'm off to jucier stuff.

i'm a geek/can't you tell
a coin for a library from the wishing well
with shakespeare, the odessey, of cabbages and kings,
but for now i'm stuck with keramat-ing.


harpist said...

Where did you get the last few lines?? Shakespeare and Odyssey. So Apt For Me.

qzxmf - quartz acts (mm)tough

Unheard voice said...

Think its made up.. I dunno, din do lit.. :>

rpd said...

i made them up?
haha yes i was thinking of you, and our conversation so i put them in! it's got you in it. (:

sdlaeru: saddle up alealy lar you
(think singlish)

Unheard voice said...

Er, u mean she rite?

rpd said...

yes i mean she. (: