Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I do declare, I love cuddles. Therefore, all my chubby cheeked cousins ought to be permanently at my hip, so that I can kiss their noses, blow raspberry bubbles, or just take in the indescribable baby smell as they rest under my chin. Dear little downy heads. alright I refuse to be limited by the word "indescribable" anymore. It's such an excuse word.

"round-something". because baby smells have a soft round shape.
"mmmmmmm" must be inside. because that's the only proper reaction to the roundmmmmm baby small.
"ahhhhh". the sound made when there's nothing to worry about because baby makes it all right. but because ahhhh sounds vaguely like a panicked scream, and baby smells must never be associated with anything remotely negative, I shall change it to "ighhhh", like the sigh of perfect contentment.

"roundmmmmighhhh" is rather inelegant though. ooh there must be the letter "u" somewhere. because it's curvy.

yeahh that looks better. except a little too hearty and robust for my tofu of a baby cousin[s]. My little squishy lumpy oh-soooo-kissable docile toothless gurgling mmmmmmmmm embodiments of love baby cousins. I think it's the "g" that's causing the problems.

But "rum-i-h" (/rUm-yI/) sounds weird when said out loud in the brain. Too frivolous. Like a bimbotic butterfly.


It must be one syllable. Or a diathrong, at most. rummligh.
hmm. How about that? rummligh. Like Ramly burger. hahaha.

Okay. I have a good feel. I like ramly burgers too anyway. Funny association, but who am I to say anything when words have decided they match? I might change it if the occasion rises, like nativ-ia-sation or whatever else prof tan teaches us [I'm such a bad elang student :(] but in the mean time, I think rummligh fits it pretty well.

Baby smells are rummligh.
My baby counsin[s] smell rumligh.

EH no it doesn't work.
My baby counsins are mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
delectable. :D


Anonymous said...

haha.. i really enjoyed reading this post. :) words. ahh.

rpd said...

haha. you would. :)

Anonymous said...

OHH my.
so i clicked '2 comments', wondering if you'd replied, or if someone else had commented. as the page loaded i thought.. hmm if rach replies she'd say smthg like.. "haha.. you would."

haha. yeahh i would. :)

rpd said...

hahaha one of those cool pyschic moments huh.

pychic? physic? pyscic? =Pp