Monday, December 18, 2006

my mind's playing 'City on a Hill', and somehow it's even better than not hearing it actually played. You know the difference. Having a song in your head is unreal, echo.ey and whispy, for some reason by brain is suggesting these words to me. I think unreal is a good description though. It cannot be verified by the senses. It is not an actual sound. Therefore it is not real? unreal? In any case, I'm embracing unreality again. I think sometimes I live too much in a world I make up for myself. but, it isn't very obvious, I think. shrug. just came back from dinner with vince; I really enjoyed the weather. Credit to him for pointing it out more than once. I loved how the world was gloomy and grey. I love the weather gloomy and grey. It calls out to me, inviting scope for imagination- or just drifting dreams. nus was gloomy and grey... I'd go out of the warm room and type this amidst the weather but I just checked the time and it's ohmygoodness kind of thing; just twenty minutes left to training. but it's still raining and - the message tone sounds- no training! pumps a fist in the air. Now I can sit back and ponder upon the existence of Self [vince's response when I told him training was cancelled]. wellwell whadyouknow. I'm doing it already.

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