Thursday, November 16, 2006

an ongoing list..

When I am married and keep the house.. I will have it nice and simple. Japanese style is what I'm thinking now. It's clean, and cosy at the same time. All the wood. (:

So, this is what I must have.:
1. A massage chair of the best quality
2. A toffel steamer for my veggies and tofu

will add more when I can think of them. :) such a happy list.


Lotus said...

Are you getting married???!?!? Ok so yeah I have to catch up on your blog cause I so have been ya know "out of it"

rpd said...

i AM NOT GETTING MARRIED! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahhaaha

no. i am nineteen and happy about being nineteen. some people don't even know i'm in uni.. they think i'm still in junior college. [that's like your.. 7th grade i think. 17 yrs old?] I don't even feel like a potential twenty year old. which, techinically, I will be in 3 months.

just making plans so I won't forget these very important items when i AM married.

did you know the the toffel steamer can make chawamushi???