Sunday, May 21, 2006

Today and another thought

Went down to play ultimate with a group of people today... and it was rather intimidating. It was like I was playing competitvely. Yells of frustration, of instruction... they were taking it so seriously. shrug. I mean. I'm not the best player, but I'm not a non-player either so I could transit into comptetitive player mode [I think sports people will know what I mean; the difference between playing for a competition and playing for passion]. I just thought it was a pity I had to do so at all. Do I sound very patronizing? I don't mean to. because my point is, at the end of the day, I didn't want to play compt player mode.. I wanted to play because I liked the game, and the people.

In my church, when we play, we laugh a lot. We clap after every point has been scored. Oh wait. We don't even count points. We just play until it gets rather dark. We make the effort to pass to everyone, even the inexperienced ones. A mentally impaired guy comes regularly to play, and we pass to him too. Doesn't matter if the disc drops or he passes to the wrong person, we just clap when he passes and he claps too. I can't imagine that happening on the field I was on today.
We may not pray before the game [although I think that's a good idea to emulate], but the way we play does, I believe, please God. We have so many atheletic players who can easily razzle dazzle and leave the rest breathing in dust. But we don't.

Another thought. Didn't get the teaching award. Which I thank God for. because when I went down to fass yesterday for its talk, I knew what I wanted to do wouldn't have been approved by moe. I'm looking at philo, political science and soci as possible majors, and deciding between european studies and eng lang as my minor.
I guess we've been conditioned to think of a rejection [of a scholarship, or whatever,] as a failure. Especially when I pretty much need the money. But to me, this is a just about the clearest indication that teaching is not part of His plans for me. and I take comfort in trusting in His will for my life, knowing that it's the best plan I'll ever get. I'm blessed to have my Father as my blueprint designer for my life. :) I'm not worrying about the financial part either, because I know my God is Jehovah Jireh [the One who provides]. hmmm I might elaborate more next time. Suffice it now to say that He gives peace that passes human understanding, and that I thank God I feel joy even when I ought to feel pain [at the "rejection"]. yayy! haha.

So yup, here's to church mates who know what playing with love means, a lovely uni life without restrictions, and the wonderful love of God!


harpist said...

Haha dear rachel, i'm glad you see things from His perspective. (: Yes you're one of those people whom i can't imagine being "bonded" if you know what i mean. Sigh. Oh well, 4 years for me. But it's doing something i love so hopefully i'll survive.

I'm not much of a game person, hence i think i'm going to die in obs which is also compulsory, crap. So embarrassing, they asked us to circle activities which we have been doing: NONE. So so embarrasing.

ARGH. Ok i'm off to settle some stuff, tata!

rpd said...

guess i always take comfort in knowing that God loves us. (: isn't it amazing how He has such diverse plans, and yet we are so connected? praise God!

and haha. we might make an adventure person out of you yet,if only for the sake of geog. it's a wonderful chance to really get into nature, yes? bugs and all. ((:
love you!

mayboo said...

OY! (that kinda means i agree in a very neanderthal sorta way)

rpd said...

haha. boo! agree with WHAT?