Saturday, April 08, 2006

okay i'm going to shamelessly copy from gayle cz i'm too tired!!

"went for bowling again, about the same group of people. cept nick, kendrick, bj and yingquan also came along. (:

me and rachel. my bowling partner. together, we're the bowling losers!!!!! :D hahaha. you really should watch us.and rachel even more so (not lousier, but funnier. haha) she THROWS the bowling ball and it went BACKWARDS once.wilfred and joe were at/almost a hundred points and me/rachel were at TWENTY NINE. ain't we brilliant!!i think we stayed at fourteen points for like 3 rounds. see we're brilliant AND consistent. (:

and we made up a song for wilfred cos he challenged us for bowling and obviously we lost like crazy. i thought it was pretty good stuff and it came with ACTIONS tooo how cute right but wilfred wouldn't let us be nice to him and sing for him how ungrateful. tsk. so we sang for terrence in the end. (:

went to cityhall, had dinner from SUBWAY (i had three chocolatechip cookies), walked, and walked, and walked somemore from the esplanade (we ate at the rooftop terrace!!! =)) to fullerton hotel, around/near clarke quay area, and BACK to the esplanade. !!! (: haha.

little things count, don't they?"


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