Friday, January 21, 2005

one of those silly things

This is amazing. This is the third time I'm writing something in a day. I'll get tired of it soon, the way I get tired of Angela Carter.
I used to think that no book's too tough for me but then again that was before I met her. The way she writes is worse than any blog I've met, so confusing is she. Her sentences are strangely structured and nothing makes full sense. [read: everything makes half sense.] Reading her works seems to me much like reading a japanese book that was badly translated so that while the words are english, the meaning's her own and no one else knows what to make of it. At least I don't. Sometimes I feel like that, sometimes I feel blown away by her energy.
Do you think literature's pretentious? I have a love-hate relationship with it.. especially the Gothic genre and post-colonialism works. I'm told that the gothic's primary aim is to create a sense of unease within its readers but here I am in the 21st centuary reading books written in the 16th. Vamps and created monsters no longer scare me; I've been desensitised. Besides, isn't the mark of great art the fact that it lasts and will till time eternal? So does that mean that the Gothic isn't art? Or maybe, I'm just the cow that can't understand music. I don't see the beauty in van gogh's Sunflower anyway. I think I spelt his name wrongly.
Ah, poor me.
Yet when I get it, I'm lifted to higher ground and there! I'm nourished.
Besides, imagine a world that was filled with only math or science. Right now, I'm assuming they're mutually exclusive but hey wait. Could math and science ever complement art? In my lowly ignorance I dare not presume I know all.

The only reason why I'm writing like this is because I've just finished Carter's book and I'm too much rumpled to talk like a normal singaporean. If I don't make sense,that's because I've been 'Carterised'. haha.
Do you know how much thought goes into any blog? A dozen sentences or so have to parade bedazzledly around my mind before I pick the one which best expresses what I want to share. So simply put, for every sentence/point you read, lots of thought would have gone into it and maybe that's why my entries sometimes seem deflated when I read them again after some time. The eleven thoughts weren't published. Then again one positive side to it is that my entries are one-eleventh of the actual length they ought to be and they are pretty long already anyway.

I'm going to enter another entry that needs no thought. I'm going to do a quiz thing I got from al's entry. haha.


The Entry That Needs No Thought.

TEN random things about me:
1: I'm one-eighth paranakan
2: I can't take coffee
3: I still read enid blyton
4: My mom wanted to name me Isabelle Ng Yan Zi. [imagine that.]
5: When I was a kid, I told my mom I wanted to change my name.
6: My mom told me to find another family
7: After many years, I've decided that rachel's a fantastic name. [I do, really.]
8: I painted my own room. It's in different shades of orange, yellow and red.
9: Because I painted my own room, I got tired before I finished and that's why there's a green wall.
10: I think braces are cool. Actually asked my dentist if I could get a fake one and he laughed at me.

NINE types of food I love:
2: Shepherd's pie
3: Carrot cake.
4: Hot fudge. Ice cream optional.
5: Mrs Field's brownies! I love them!
6: Famous Amos cookies. mmmmmm....
7: Roti Prata
8: Durian ((:
9: tortellini

EIGHT things I want:
1: A bag that's good for school. It's hard to find one.
2: A chauffer. haha.
3: A pen that'll never run out of ink.
4: Shoes... training shoes, going out shoes... man.
5: A brain that'll last me till I die.
6: A nice big oven that can bake.
7: To. let my friends know how much I really do love them.
8: wisdom.

SEVEN ways to win my heart:
1: Be God-fearing
2:To have wit and humor, to make me laugh. that is to me more important than looks.
3: Know what you want to do.
4: Love my family and friends [cliche but true]
5: Chocolate. I'm such a weakling.
6: Accept me and my idosryncracies
7: Be the leader in your way.

SIX pet peeves:
1: Pms
2: The way pants and I don't complement.
3: Why can't chocolate be healthy?
4: Singapore doesn't hold enough sales.
5: My height [or the lack of it.]
6: Soccer.

FIVE things I'm afraid of:
1: The A levels.
2: Fish eyes
3: A sweet talking jerk.
4: Losing my loved ones
5: Making God sad. [sigh]

FOUR of my favourite things:
1: The wallet qh bought for me. It reminds me of our friendship and I'm still so touched by her deed.
2: The neo-prints in my wallet. The people in there are my dearest friends.
3: My room because it is me.
4: Mirrors. [Yeah I'm narissistic]

THREE things I do everyday:
1: Do qt.
2: Fart.
3: Struggle to accept myself and love me.

TWO things I want to do right now:
1: Shop
2: um. Shop?

ONE person I want to see right now:
1: No one actually. I'm in my home clothes now and that isn't exactly the prettiest sight. haha.


Jack said...

you're most welcome. (= and i hate carter.

. said...

i actually think many of us want to leave... the whole system and all. even tho strangely singapore has no natural disaster and all.. but strange how the highly competitive environment is enough to drive so many ppl to want to leave. haha.. of cos many nv get a chance to. sam's one who did. lucky boy. haha..

oh yah. i think carter's really quite engaging a writer. you can feel her substance and energy in her writing. which i dun understd too btw. cheers. haha