Friday, September 16, 2011

l had a monster meltdown today, so bad we had to evacuate the rest of the class.

seeing the rest of them scared, moving to corners, behind screens, hearing the cries and screams, seeing j throw himself into the sturdy ixora bushes outside, dashing onto the road; having to call for the therapist, seeing her run over, coming back to the classroom and seeing miss j locking him into the safety position, and yet still needing male assistance in the end;
torn papers broken watches thrown bottles scattered leaves angry l unresponsive p unanswering p helpless x locked in y. replay replay replay. bad day. bad friday. don't wreck my tgif; i'm sorry kid, we all had ours torn.
"i hate fridays. i hate l. i hate. i hate. i hate", words scored in and i agree with you, p, fridays are our black days. our monster days. our monster days.


Natsu Boy said...

sorry i didn't know it was soo bad. hope this friday will be a better tgif... :)

achel b. said...

was my after explanation sufficient? (: