Sunday, July 24, 2011

i just spent the past hour or so cutting my hair :)

didn't know that much time was passing; it felt more like twenty minutes actually. and i must say i'm pretty darn pleased with the result; cheers.

in other news, i'm happily counting down to the end of july. work is such a refining process, really. but as g reminded us the past thursday, our work rests on Christ's- which is already perfect, already complete. crazy truth. this means no striving for merit, no search for validation or worth through the work of my hands. because His work was the ultimate fulfillment, i may do mine without fear. what a relief to the otherwise insatiable demands of the burden. liberte!
speaking of time and counting, i often wonder what 2012 will see. i am not insensible to the fact that 2011 has been pretty well swirled, like flavours rainbowing basic ice+cream. and it's only(already) july! i can smell the end of the year. :) -sniff sniff.

our work rests on Christ's- already perfect, already complete. thank God.


sweetmorningtea said...

(: <3
!! they are making me type "Unretro" into the word verification

rach said...

and mine's rebalaw HAHA