Saturday, October 23, 2010

have you ever met someone you'd like to spend Forever with? i can think of two now.

not Forever in the romantic, sadly vague to the point of untruth, a word simply poinked down to fill the space that the mouth unleashes when trying to real.ise the conception of an unknown amount of time happily together, with pink and gold sunset hues in the background. was at timbre last night, and that happened. three months together and they're hoping for forever. no, what i mean is Forever in the literal sense, the eternity our hearts know and respond to, the promise we hear whispering in ourselves in the times we are quiet enough, the call of eternity.

but we deny it, bury it, distract ourselves to death. city kids, where's our purpose to be found? what will last when we give up our last breaths?

no wonder we're like sheep without a shepherd, wandering on bleat. and we've gone one step up; sheeps on a rebel cause, fleeing from our guide and into the arms of the butcher. i wish we would think, i wish we would give more consideration to the hard questions. hard questions aren't only meant for the intellectuals.

i would like to see my two friends in Forever.

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