Monday, April 05, 2010

so the easter weekend is over.

easter's just about the most exhausting christian rememberance in our calender list, i would think. it continues to be the most intense, weightiest and most sombring event in my life. cosmically epic/epically cosmic doesn't come close to capturing the sense of the vastness of the message. death defeated and life without end.

i slept in today, and woke up late, recovering from the weekend.
thoughts about sanctuary and what it can mean, more time spent with the th&Oers, i have neither the exact name for nor decided about them, but it's always enjoyable (read: entertaining). and often i am left contemplative. mmm.

anyway yes, the church as more than just fellowship, as representative of the scene that will one day be in heaven, sanctuaries need to be sacred, and holy, and set apart. i do think there's a need for the sense of the sacred in our lives. and i'm not saying a community hall is unacceptable to God; i'm saying we need to work for the reverence and awe when we come into His sanctuary.

on another note: the musical was enjoyed, by me. as was trooping down to the flyer with gayle and listening to marcus + dinner/supper at popeyes after.

today i also remember the events of a year ago. reread the posts, relieved the nights, briefly, i couldn't do it again. God be with us all.

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