Friday, January 22, 2010

- the more i talk with godly people around me the more i see how unfit i am to be leading ifgbs. still, as gina said today, wisdom comes from making mistakes. i concede that at least sometimes it does. shall prepare myself to be eating much humble pie this sem then; already i have been. vcf is filled with people who silence me with their love, for God and for others.

- many things have been happening recently, am excited. especially over today; seeing gina and spending an afternoon with her was a very, very special treat and blessing from God. i shall count it as my birthday present from Him. :)

- there are things to do, and there are things to think about. the former are often about God, related stuff, funky ism. the latter have these days been about broken.ness; who i am, and the memories i have.

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