Monday, April 06, 2009


I have been tired, i still am tired. But I like this new template; it is structured and orderly, and perhaps in external certainty I can be too, through osmosis or something. Maybe I will be getting better soon, I might.


I have been thinking these days (alright what's new). But now I can't remember much, what.

I told matthew earlier today that I'm not really a reality person, I think, I capture experiences in terms of concepts/issues/feelings, especially feelings. So when I try to recall... I don't have much to go on. And it's true. I'm never able to remember much. I think I do, but I don't, not really. I have snippets of still shots in what I can remember, where I see myself and hannah up at the gallery overlooking the hall, studying, which is ridiculous because if it's my memory I shouldn't be able to see myself.

I could go on, but I suppose the point that matters at this juncture is that I'm feeling like. like a non-person. I don't have memories of events or experiences, for reasons i can't fanthom I remember in feelings, in smells. And these are such stupid ways to record moments and lives and years.

It sucks to feel like a non-person. Or to conclude myself as not much of a reality person. As though somehow I have been out of touch with reality all the years of growing up, and I cannot remember my secondary school days in the ways that matter. I could try to tell funny stories about unforgettable events, but is the storage in my head so little that the mundane details pour out the way water spills out of a jar? Tonight, I want to remember reality, I want to remember the mundane details that made up the days of my life, that matter.


About post below- thanks, for the people who showed care and asked after me one way or another, comments msn conversations thanks guys. It's good to know you're there.


I've been talking heaps with pearlyn lately, which i am very content about.

Her restlessness I have caught; now what I want is also a field and some sky, to sit and think with the wind.


Or maybe, maybe, I'm just bored.

That I need something to burn this restless pacing off, again and again, to melt and resolidfy, but maybe this time I won't settle for pretty tinsel in the wind.

1 comment:

Unheard voice said...

Uni students are tired students.. Even when they(me) aren't really doing much stuff.. Or maybe it's just NUS students..
Weird note about reality, it dont matter what reality is s'long as you perceive it some way no? As in it's gonna be colored by the lenses which you use to view it, so kinda "I think therefore I am"ish..
Research has shown that memories aren't objective. What you remember is tainted by what you think you remember.. Oh rant/rabble/rah on.. Not too sure what i think i'm thinking..
Anyways bout your bro, don't take it to heart yeah? He's young and a guy, so words dont come out right sometimes.. And even when wrong, it's gonna be SO hard to admit/apologise to a girl ya? One day you'll look back and tease him (preferably to his significant other) about the heartache your dear brother caused.. :>

PS: Liked e other better hehs..