Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm hungry but a certain pig has been sleeping since.. 4ish, off and on and it's close to seven now.
It's been pretty much of a pattern these few days. He sleeps and I wait till I get so hungry I turn cranky and then we eat a late dinner last order in five minutes when we step in the first day at sushi tei he rushed me because he thought it was funny but yesterday at crystal jade I was kind of sick so he kept it to a minimum. Hopefully we'll eat earlier today. I feel like spageddies. Anyway.

So the sun is setting and the glare of the laptop is increasing. First it was the sun now it's technology. I am doomed to glasses for the rest of my life. -peers around in granny glasses.-

However at present the reality is that I have gotten some sort of eye infection- I swear it's the bed- not mine- and my right eye feels like it's producing some kind of hard gel-ly thing that squishes itself against my cornea if I turn my head to the other side. For some reason I've always thought of these occurances as little trips down the mutant path of goldfishes.

And I would like to say that I love talking with erica she's hilarious. She's deadpan. I love deadpan people. Therefore I love erica.
I also love erica because she has two amazing things going for her. One, she's a words person. Words People, as you may not know, are a rare breed. If you understand, good. If you don't, wait for my explaination- if it ever comes. Some things are intutively understood. Like peanuts.
Secondly, she is one of the very few fellow relief teachers who has followed me on my path. :) The fact that she is a brilliant moe scholar is beside the point. [ahemfreakahem]
And she just invited me to join facebook. erica, I tell you, has a perchant for suprising people.

illigible sound-
me: would you like to wake up?


Common Myna said...

orthography errors???

You are a annoying cat? Cats are beautiful creatures. ('')

Kenji said...

hi rachel! :)

Anonymous said...

and may i please kindly inquire..
who is this HIM you are talking about?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

whoever you are, need i waste time explaining that i choose not to follow spelling conventions?
secondly. i'm sorry, but spageddies is an eatery.

if you have been following la-mnemosyne long enough, you might have realised that the tagalog word is a term of affection that others have given to me. just maybe, you got your translation different. but this is my turf. so my translation stands.

before you seek to condescend to me on my own space again, if ever, please watch your tone and motive. poking fun is okay if you are my friend. but under the guise of anonymity it is not.

rpd said...

hey kenji and sab. sorry to have replied at this inopportune time. kenji it's good to see your presence! :) and sab, this "HIM" is one of my group of friends from the first three months. haha.

harpist said...

ohdear you really did go ahead and blog about me. have you added me on facebook? (:

The picture of you and your boys looks sweet. I suppose that's the advantage of teaching kids who know how to feel and not just think. Sometimes, i do think you are incredibly lucky.

dokfcr - (i'm terribly out of practice) duck free cricket. although cricket free duck would make more sense.

Common Myna said...

It's unnecessary to get upset or agitate by a few comments. Anyway you are right that this blog belongs to you and you have the freedom to express in any forms.

Anonymous said...

hey babe i didn't receive your email invite! rahness.

and it does, doesn't it? :) the photo. thanks babe. you teach some boys' school too! hah.

and duck free cricket is HILARIOUS. mine mine mine: dippy vee.
difpv- dippy vee. such a cute sound. or
difpv- different points of view

how intellectual :D