Friday, August 31, 2007

hullo. okay I said I'd explain and I will now. It will be short and succinct.

I met someone while working during the hols. We'll call that someone mr it. He's old [in his 40s I think], and has a rather formal manner. Well after I left, mr it started messaging me. I think he got my number from the loan records [I'd borrowed an item while working]. And then he started emailing. I gave him my nus address because I was supposed to send a photo we took on my last day. There was nothing perverse in his emails, but they were inappropriate because of their intensity. Then somehow he found my hotmail account.

I don't know how he did that [you guys reading this ought to know that my email is next-to-impossible to figure out not least because of the spelling] but the fact that he had was a shock. If he can find my personal email address, he can find other stuff. And he did. The last straw came when he found la-mnemosyne.

The idea of this man reading my thoughts and feelings was definitely too much for me. I found out about it because there was this anonymous reader and with all this going on, I was getting paranoid so I deleted a post he commented on. I went numb when later that night he emailed me with the title "forgive me" and in it he talked about how sorry he was but he couldn't help reading my posts because that was the only way he could find out more about me.
I hadn't expected the anonymous person to be him; I just thought I was thinking too much.

I don't know if the guys will understand how vulnerable a girl feels when she finds herself threatened. During this entire period the vast majority, I'd say almost no guy could empathise. Most simply dismissed all the going-ons or implicity told me I was over-reacting. And that really hurt because I was going through quite a bit [there were other things going on too this past week] and if there was anything I needed from my guy friends was assurance that they were there for me. I mean, yes, the most common offer I got was to beat mr it up. But it's easy to tell when they're offering because they think it's funny. The thing was, none of this was funny to me and only one or two were there to listen to me. The rest were too busy; either too busy to stop and stay or too busy attempting to solve the problem.

So girlfriends 1, boyfriends 0. hah.

And that'd be the deal with my choked-upness. I suspect a direct co-relation between how I write and the events of my life. The last time I really had fun writing was back in mid-july and it's been more than a month half. Since then I've been forcing out posts and, losing one's groove for writing sucks like crap. Undignified words, but true.
I'm also sorry that getting here is such a chore now. =/

well. Now that that's out of my system, maybe things'll look up and I'll be light in heart again.


tianggggg- said...

you got a stalker too? erica can give you some insights. really, that fella is displaying stalker tendencies. just be careful, girl. really. and don't contact him anymore. and i don't care if it's not nice. just don't. it's very unsafe for you. he's 40+. that's disgusting alright. i mean, he wants to find out more about you so he delved into your personal life? found your personal email, your personal blog and tried to ask for "forgiveness"? forgiving is fine. just don't contact him anymore. don't sms him back. rachel, you know me. i'll start screaming if you continue to talk to him.

Anonymous said...

ohmy. you porr dear girl. oh man. yeah i really think guys don't get it... and often they don't try. sigh.. i don't see how they can treat these things lightly.
think it all boils down to respect?

yeah man you better listen to tianggggg. i think it's safe to assume you're already doing that.

talk to you soon..

harpist said...

Oh dear, i understand. But mine is sorta over, i contacted him after a year and all is okay and he apologized and told me not to be this nice to everyone i meet.

But at least i know how he got my number and there's nothing dodgy about that.

Your case sounds really familiar - the intensity of the emails yet nothing perverse about them. And the sending of a photo.

And you know when i read the first sentence some how my brain went into full-stalker-alert drive and i read "messaging me" as "massaging me" and i nearly fell out my chair.

My "stalker" is across the causeway a couple of hundred km so i'm quite safe but if yours is local, i suggest you get a hand on it waaay before i did. It took me 3 months to tell him off because i was so afraid i'll hurt his feelings. And that i was reading too much into it. But the fact was, i did it, and felt much safer.

So do something about it, okay?


bruwhk - brewing hong kong.

rpd said...

i never contacted this one, you can be sure. and in the end my daddy stepped in and told him to get lost otherwise he'd go to the police and mr it went all nervous and thanked my daddy for giving him a chance.
that was on monday, everything's been fine since. :)
thanks dears.

[mine doesn't have word verification! horrors!!]

Anonymous said...

whut the hell, how come u didnt tell me when u were in hall???!!!

dont worry u have the whole of eusoff, or at least me, to back you up. juz call.


rpd said...

haha. hullo wayne. i told you. first your phone went poot, then the computer. trying to get you to accompany to fs was already impossible. =Pp

but i know you would have cared. and that you care. :)