Sunday, April 16, 2006

random stuff

Okay I figure I ought to blog..

I went to watch westside story yesterday! Abrupt ending aside [which kind of spoilt it], the singing and dancing were just wonderful. I wouldn't rate it as a must-watch but you won't regret going. (: I really wouldn't mind going for it again. (: -repeat- I REALLY wouldn't mind going for it again. ((:

okay blog over I think. I'm in for blogger's block. sounds vaguely rhymey.
Maybe the juices are drying up. Does one have only a certain amount of inspiration before it gets all used up? Maybe I should have spread them all out...

Have you ever realised how, sometimes, when you feel all blue, it isn't what people say that counts, but who says it? Like how the most well-meaning person can blabber on and on, but if he/she isn't a kindred spirit, it really doesn't matter even if the person's saying the right things. And how if he/she Is someone you like [for that moment anyway], even talking about umbrellas will bring a smile to your face.

okay I feel myself getting all melodramatic again. The whole funk thing. Hannah says I "get quite worked up about some things" and she's well. very right. I do get terribly worked up over some things and cannot for the life of me understand how she takes me when I get into that state. Like I apparently am in now. I think I'd be very eww-ed by me if I'm someone else. So here's a BIG THANK-YOU to all my wonderful friends who love me and I love you too!

I think I should stop blogging.

Yes. I have decided.
I shall stop blogging for awhile. hiatus, sabbatical [heretical?], walkabout, disappearance, space-travel, etcetcetc.
If you miss me give me a call [you ought to have my number] and ask me out. I do letters too. And other primitive forms of communication. smoke signals, whatever.

tooddles. -waves a nochalant hand in the air. I'm off to do my own thing. stroll to the moon, write ungrammatical letters, paint venacular purple wishywashy vibes [I have absolutely no idea what that sentence meant- I just had a picture in my head that was swishy purple and black], take part in anti-government riots, floss my teeth, and learn how to do smoke signals.

Be good everyone. Don't do anything that I wouldn't. Love you.


danlee said...

heyy i guess its been a long time since u last posted...anyway i feel dat i've having a blogger's blog too......yeah man for me i guess its totally the person dat says it and not wad the person says man haha haiz...

. said...

haha, i totally agree with the who says what thing also. haha, and i do wonder if inspiration has its limits too. haha, anyways, keep writing! take care..

rpd said...

hey des! miss you man. yeah well i think inspiration might be an indication of our inner states. so if we feel dried up... yeah. how bkc. heh.

tianggggg- said...

raeeeeeeeeeeee-cheeeeeelllllllllllll!!! sigh. i want to do at least ONE camp with you!

rpd said...

haha. i would want to do EVERY camp with you :)

harpist said...

aren't you going to update? miss reading your posts. (: i can't believe how you and al love camps so much. they are the last things in the world i would go for, and pay for.

rpd said...

okay erica... the next post is for you. (: and posties like you.