Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Alright.. enough photos. time for more substance. haha.

Just came back from reunion dinner... yay. I'm actually glad it's just once a year. Not close to my paternal side you see. They're gentle, refined people and my grandmother isn't as comfortable with my presence as she is with my brother's and other cousins. It seems that she favors boys. So it doesn't help that during reunion dinner, I'm the only grand-daughter around. The others go to my grandmother's house only the next day. I think my paternal side's very complicated.

This year, like every other year, I communicated with the television. hah.

I've made some preps this time though. Borrowed a couple of books so that tomorrow, I won't kill my brain watching the tv while waiting for people to visit in my grandmothers' places. [I don't really like the tv.]
I'm not quite sure why I find chinese new year exciting. My parents get rather tense and edgy every now and then; one wants to do this and the other that. I don't understand adults. I like being 18.
Still, there's my pretty clothes [!] to look forward to. haha. I love my clothes! (: and spending time with my family. yup. It isn't often that we spend so much time together. Although lately I've been arguing a lot with my brother... he's demanding more time from me and I don't have so much to give, as much as I want to. Well hopefully we'll settle it before he goes back to the sports school. Did I tell you guys? He has a week's holiday. Apparently the sports school goes by modules. My brother's finished his first module in school so he has a break.

Speaking of "you guys", I've been wanting to introduce my posties to each other! (: It's like you guys leave comments and stuff and even communicate to each other sometimes. Here we go (:
In no particular order...
-simplyhappysimplyme: She's mindy, from pjc. Chirpy would be her middle name. grin.
-rawr: Did I spell it right? That's al, short for alethia. One of my dearest friends (:
-des: Desmond! He's the link I have for "A Prince of Sorts". haha. I'm a computer idiot.
-smashworm: qh... she's anti-worm.
-erica: How could I forget? Yup she's one of my oldest friends, one of those before primary school. There! (:
-boo: Save the best for the last. (: Mayboot come back soon!

Did I miss anyone out? [Don't kill me if I did (:]


. said...

haha.. hello everyone! haha.. i can help you with your links if you want.. haha.. this time maybe i'll just do it for you instead of teach you. haha.. i give up. ahha..

mayboo said...

i'm touched. =)


harpist said...

so how did the whole essay go? saw your tag on al's blog...you DELETED it? wah best...

Jack said...

worms are evil. like spring cleaning. and BO. and everything unpleasant.