Monday, January 31, 2005

i'm e.i.g.h.t.e.e.n

Good grief. I should be given an award. I'm still alive after my math c lecture. Integration ought to be taught to hard-core repeat criminal offenders and after an hour I promise you they'll be so trumatised that they'll promise to do ANYTHING just as long no integration ever comes near them again. Integration ought to be approached with a hundred foot prong and destroyed.
What on earth is integration good for anyway? Besides killing what little brain cells I have left. In between each brutal assult I think random thoughts to myself like how I should've taken something easier, like a pHd in Chinese or something. How can they do this to me? It's been barely two hours since I left my bed!
Remind me never to go to nydc at ten in the night and gorge on mudpies brownies and milk chocolate elephancinnos [did I get that right?]. Even if it's my birthday. I'm dying. If it's possible, I think I'm having a hangover. And I'm going to gain 10kg from all that sugar.
I'm already stupid [math proved it]. Now I'm going to turn far and ugly.. as if being short wasn't hard enough.

The formula for Integration by Parts is given by "The integral of a product of two functions is equal to the integral of one function times the other function minus the integral of the product of the integral already found times the differential coefficient of the other function."

Oh jolly.

1 comment:

harpist said...

I'm ever SO glad i never took math, and i dropped econs. (: Haha, school's bad ain't it? And guess what: You're a whole year older than i am! Sniff sniff..not that i want to be 18 when i'm still feeling 12..