Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Went to clarke quay today again... ultimate is great. (:
It's fun running up and down the field- ookay. urm. did I just say that?


haha. actually. it's like, while I'm playing, it's tough. I keep running up and down the field [the big one] and chances are, I'm usually not free enough to have a disc thrown at me. Or towards me. haha. mmmmm.

But think.

Running freely [free. I'm glad such a word exists for me] up and down grass, the feeling of using my body, pushing it, straining it... I'm recognising my body truly and my senses are hightened. I see, hear and sense. I am sense. The grass is just so green, and nothing else exists but the grass. the sky. people. disc. me. There.

The wonder of teamwork. People you know only by face, come together, obey listen try... everyone's p.l.a.y.i.n.g their hearts out. Do you know that feeling? It's addictive.

That's what draws runner back and again. That's what drives the player on.

Ask any player the beauty of sportsmanship. To forgive a team-mate when a bad is made. To teach a newbie to the best one can give. Patience, humility...

That's the joy I get when I play.

That's ultimate.

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