Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"meme on books"

1. name one book that changed your life-
The Bible. I know I run the risk of coming across holier-than-thou, but this is what's true and I'm just going state that straight out. What I read inside has prompted me to do more, and be more than I'd ever have done if I'd stuck to being an intellectually/literarily competent person. And hey, I didn't choose these questions. (:

2. name one book you have read more than once
urmmm. Just one? I generally read books more than once.

3. one book you would want on a desert

4. two books that made you laugh
Sherman's Lagoon. grinn. well alright it's a comic. So I cheated. I'll change genre. That, and Eats, Shoots and Leaves. I really enjoyed truss' narrative, and the fact that I thought this was a fantiastic read back in junior college was probably a sign that I'd end up as an English major. oh, prophecies we don't realise-wipes a grandly tearful eye.

5. one book that made you cry
oh, I cry at most sad scenes. well. Silas Marner?

6. one book you wish you'd written
It's got to be Pilgrim at Tinker's Creek. I love the prose and annie dillard takes my breath away.

7. one book you wish had never been written.
Les Miserables. dude that freaking book is freaking dense. Either that, or I am. As it is, right now all the volumes are wriggling their bottoms on the shelf above me- which is kind of jabby, since I've always wanted to find out why it's so beloved but lack the patience to plow through hugo's style. Maybe this is the book I should bring to the desert instead.

8. two books you are reading currently
I think Pilgrim at Tinker's Creek comes in here, because I actually haven't finished the book, despite picking it up at a tutorial room at NUS' open house two years ago (thank you, lit department). Each time I pick it up, I go back to page one or thereabouts, because the words still have so much life. mmm second book. The Dark Tower series? Although that's quite iffy, seeing how I read them only because my brother brings one back now and then. I've done books one and two, and five. But it's alright, I guess. Times have changed, and I can now live with not knowing the entire story.

9. one book you've been meaning to read.
The Kite Runner, I suppose. I have all these books I see and file at the back of my head as Books To Be Read One Day but then all this information probably just whizzes out of the other side of my (purportedly) empty ditzy brain. mmm but this question doesn't really apply, since I like reading, which means I can read just about any book. Set me loose in a library! I suspect I'm related to rebecca of sunnybrook, whose mother would have left the dishes unwashed and clothes unironed, if only she had had more books. Having said that, I just realised I tend towards the brooding, bittersweet books with prose that transcends; so after I close the book I am thoughtful, pensive and see nothing but monochrome for a good while. I think, if I hadn't ventured to the netball courts, I would very well have ended up as one of the pale, silent girls who seem more ghostly than flesh because they live in another world. And well. that isn't too bad a place to be, actually. honestly.

10. five people i tag
got this from qh. I think I'll quote her. "gah, steal away", sans gah. (:

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