Friday, February 29, 2008

i have a woofer in my room

I tried to tame a cat today,
but unlike the martyrs who had mousies for pets in their dark and dreary dungeons it would not come.
Maybe I am not saintly enough. Maybe, but I won't put much stock in the loyalty of cats anyhow. Cats stretch, and loll, and meow at you from their sunny lounges and will not move if you do not interest them.

Speaking of loyalty, I just finished the lord of the rings; first time I've watched it since big screen. It was good, but I suppose there's much to be said for the heightened reality that movie screens bring for sheer size. Am also quite irritated at my cinematics discourse lecturer who gollumed away about cgi and how he can spot the differences immediately (phooey) in class. So whilst I was watching the battle scenes of courage and valour all I could think of was cgi cgi cgi and felt like a traitor. That wretched man has spoilt forever my lord of the rings. hmm hmm. In any case, I've got the end credits on repeat on windows media player because there's a voice in there that calls to my heart. Is there a way I can obtain the sound track, from the dvds? I will play it on sad days, and remember faramir's sorrow.

Am also vaguely miffed about a certain rougue who promised to help me clean my room after he did something what, I cannot remember, but it has been a long time now- he still hasn't, and I think I should just heave a sigh and walk over to eusoff to borrow wet wipes and a mop. bleah.

Could I also put it down here that the purse that qh got me in jc after I lost mine is breaking down, and it seems, irrversibly so. I am sad, for in itself it is a memory of another time, a time I like to keep with me. That, and also it has been with me on many journies. I would have liked to have brought it with me to new zealand. I do not know what to do now. It is hard to explain; it is like being faithful to your wife even as she is in the final stages of a coma simply because you love her, even if there are all the pretty little things out there whose bodies you can easily buy. I didn't fall in love with the purse because it is from projectbloodbros, or because it was pretty, it isn't. It means something to me because it was a gift that was given just because, and there's something sweet in that. I suppose I have not the heart to stare around at glass panels.
Maybe I will just use a plastic bag for the time being.


I have a pretty dress for sunday; for now, I will take comfort in that.

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