Thursday, January 03, 2008

with my hair in a braid

Failed, completely failed my post mortem of 2007. Tried, and have half an entry to show for it, although right now it's a soft pile of dust sitting quietly under the drafts section. Gray, and rather like an abandoned pile of linen. Soft, and powdering into nothingness.

And for some reason, I'm caring terribly about a certain relationship I have with someone. Worrying that I'm losing the friendship, that we're going zoom from full marks to zero, to negative, to... Which is ridiculous because I am fairly sure it's all on my side, and am therefore being a big silly. And because these forays into melodrama are self-descructive, I shall have to stop caring. Because I'm caring for nothing.

Here I am, on my first attempt at being sensible. Hiphiphooray. Maybe it's a good sign for 2008.


mayboo said...

sensibility is overrated. pick melodrama. it's more interesting. :o

i'm kidding. mucho <3!

Anonymous said...

righto. stand by your phone then; menni love on its way- albeit melodramatic one =Pp