Wednesday, October 17, 2007

i've decided to [probably permanently] increase my font size

Some time ago, I fell for three people in perhaps perhaps as many days.

I fell for a nose, and deep set laugh lines. The nose was aquiline, celtic, and a joy to behold. It was symetrical, proportionate and beautifully sculptured. The laugh lines crinkled up a face, and added texture and shape to an unwritten landscape of a temple.

I fell for- a boy. A spirit child who answered my questions the way I liked them best to be answered, and we played around with words and the night breeze in the 3am sky.

The dimmest memory of all, a curly golden thatch that came with a soft slow drawl that said -yea?, questioningly, and almost always usually at the wrong time, half a beat too soon like an over-attentive choir boy given his first job at beating the triangle.

I've given it quite some thought recently, and then some more. So I have two thoughts.
Firstly, the increasing conviction that I need nonsense in my life. I'm just wondering now if this is the decision over all else, that if one day I were to find someone and he would be everything but- nonsense, would I say no? It seems I might, gravely enough.
Secondly the even graver thought that one day I might find someone and he would be everything I asked for and he would be my nonsense my best friend my lover but- he would too shake his head at the thought of serving God away from home.

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