Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thanks for calling even though I said no, because you put things in perspective for me in a way only you could, and thanks for devoting so much time to me you ran out of credit. Thanks for being here, even though you're uh. geographically not. haha.


On another note, I was quite proud of myself because I spent my first two days of mid sem quite constructively, but then I slid for the past two days.
I had more or less decided that I won't bother about grades, because being stressed is such an unhappy thing but now everyone's working so hard and getting so much done I look around and wonder if I should join the crowd too. Positive or not, I don't know, but it's definitely peer pressure.

Surely the world out there isn't defined by grades? When I'm done with uni, I want to be able to say that I had a memorable time. This was the decision I made when I entered, and as of now I'm still standing by it.
I've been calclulating, and it seems that even if I get a cap of 4 for the next 4 sems straight my cap will still be 3.8+++ max. Which isn't very different from the 3.6 I'm now at so. why slog off so hard, to the extent that I'm negatively affected, when it doesn't make a significant differnce? Again, I didn't mug much the past 2 sems and I'm at 3.6. Even if I mug enough to get a 4.0 cap [which I feel doubtful about anyway] it remains at 3.8ish.
So if I graduated with a cap of 3.6 I'll earn 3.6k a month and if it's a cap of 3.8ish I'll be paid 3.8ish?

Tell me how it works.


Anonymous said...

7+3 days is a short time (if we want it to be). look forward to the secret getaway! =)

rpd said...

haha. hullo! it's now 6 + 3 days. which is really quite near! and yes i will look forward to it and we will totally have FUN :)

harpist said...

If CAPs determined our pay i think alot more people would be muggers.

Thankfully they don't and we can be happy in the fact that it is possible to earn more than deans listers.


harpist said...

OH they let me thru without a word verification! But here is this one:

mtqsdzz - mc kissedzz, kiss of the day meal anyone?

rpd said...

haha erica. you're the one on the dean's list and moe scholar to boot. you are a square pumpkin, you know. i'm not talking to you. :)

and because they don't give me word verification anymore [sad], i've been squashing my fingers against the keyboard to make my own. haha.

ssrluh- sarah lah