Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Don't ask me why I'm up at 950, or more importantly, up at 950 with a mind decided to do one of those funny things. we all have our idiosyncransies [another one of mine is my hmm. creative spelling.] or maybe I'll do more than one; whatever thou doest, do excessively. [I'm sure this is wrong somehow, but I'll comtemplate it another time]

Any 20 people who come to your head.

1. shyama
2. alethia
3. mayboo
4. jeremy
5. hannah
6. sabrina
7. gwen
8. my brother
9. esther
10. rebecca
11. erica
12. joe
13. sarah
14. john
15. julia
16. mindy
17. me!
18. QH
19. mark
20. colin

1. How did I meet 14 [john]?
It's really complicated.. we kind of met twice. Embarrassing details aside, I met him through daniel marini eight years ago. then completely lost contact some time later because sabrina decided that she hated him. hahaha. he left to study in the states for awhile, then when I was talking to aaron two years later, we found out that we both knew him. so I met him again. but within three months, everything ended. I haven't seen him for... four years now. he's quite a painful memory.. serves me right for doing stupid quiz things in the morning.

2. What would I do if I had never met number1 [shyama]?
Life would be a lot less complicated! haha. But you're worth it.. and I'll stand by you dear :) Keep searching ya?

3. What would I do if 20 [colin] and 9 [esther] dated?
haha! Go into shock, then laugh hysterically. I mean, we all came from the same school, it's just that colin's a year younger. But he's quite a sweet guy, and I'm really fond of esther so I suppose I could live with it. :)

4. Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?

5. describe number3 [mayboo]
I think she would describe herself as a repressed OCD tv/video/movie addict, but I think. there's a lot more to her than she'd let the world know, and she's a beautiful woman-child inside. Outside, she's more than just funny, she's lovely. She knows a lot about me, probably more than I care to remember =Pp but she still believes in me! I count her as one of my best friends.. period.

6. Do you think number8 is attractive?

HE'S MY BROTHER what's with this quiz this question is not to be answered!
aiyahhhhhhhh I love him no matter what. I'm his older sister! I'm proud of him, and I look forward to him growing up to be a godly young man. [hurry up boy]

7. Tell me something about number7.
She's my kukumalu and I love her to bits! And, she loves me too! :D

8. Do you know anything about number12's [joe] family?
I've been to his place quite a few times, and we'll all in the same church so I suppose I do know something. He has 2 brothers and a younger sister. oh his dad's like the guy in some ad on the bus stops now.. so you might know him too! haha. They have a lovely osim massage chair.. haha. I could go on, but you can ask him yourself.

9. What's 18 [QH's] favourite pasttime?
haha I don't know if it's still the same, but in school, it was going to the toilet!

10. What would I do if 11 confessed that he/she liked you?
erica? the pastor's daughter???

11. What language does 15 [julia] speak?
english, some chinese, some malay and some sign language

12. How old is 16 [mindy] now?
200. hahaha. she's 19.

13. When was the last time you talked to 13 [sarah]?
haha yesterday! and we decided that if she gets married, I get to be her speech-maker. yay! but if I don't get married [I announced that The One has never come = probably never will come = nobody wanted me so I'd probably end up being a spinster] she says she won't get married either so we'll both live together in a studio apartment! Lovely.

14. Who's 2's favourite singer?
ME! hurhur.

15. Would I date number4?
Even aunties in church ask my mom this question. [it's pretty weird talking about this over the internet. it really does serve me right for doing these quiz things. sorry jem!] hmmm well, cetris peribus, no. He's my best guy friend and knowing me, I'll probably end up hurting him... and I'd never want to do that, ever.

16. What's 10's last name?
rebecca's last name is i-love. She does have a loving heart.
okay and to prove that I do know her last name, it's tan.

17. Would I ever consider having a relationship with 19?
Mark? He used to call me jie! But it's been some months since I last talked to him.. and I haven't seen him for a year now I think. not since he got his latest girlfriend. sigh. I miss him.

18. What schools did 3 go to?
faith sunday school, awana, zjs, yf + orchid park sec, then she left my life to study in australia. :(
We've known each other since kindergarten, at least. So as you can see I know all the intimate details of her life.

19. Where does 6 [sabrina] live?
Currently? high gate. second floor. and she walks down from the first floor to the basement so that she can take the lift to the second floor so she doesn't need to walk UP the stairs. see these are the kind of people I call my girlfriends. I think I know very interesting people. I don't know how she managed it when she was living in kismis green.. that house was like 3 storied. but it's okay sabrina I love you and I know you love me too.

20. What's my favourite thing about number5 [hannah]?
oooh I love her! okay and she's one of my girlfriends [I ought to mention I have only about 6 of them, so they are extra special people] so she's obviously extra special. I suppose it's how she knows so so much about me, but still supports me anyway. And I really don't understand how she can think of me the way she does.. all that aside, my favourite thing about hannah is that she is hannah. That's enough.


okay I'm going to do a safer quiz that doesn't involve digging up sad memories or revealing kooky stuff about my friends which might end up in me being hacked into pieces this one's more or less about me. Got this from al's site.. like she says, some kueh thing.

Layer One.
On the Outside.
Name: rachel
Birthday: 30 Jan 87 [I don't care if I'm 20 this year and it's undignified to do stupid quizzes at 1126hrs]
Current status: single
Eye colour: I don't know.. I'm going to the mirror to check. okay my eyes are brown and black and white.
Hair colour: I don't know either. And I'm not going to the mirror anymore.
Righty or lefty: LEFT. I don't know if that accounts for some of my err uniqueness.
zodiac sign: aquarius. I don't believe in these things though, really. oh chinese sign's complicated because I don't know if I was born on the last day of the lunar new year, or the first day of the new year. haha. So I could either be a tiger or rabbit. My mom knows though, she told me once but I forgot. I'm liminal!

Layer Two.
On the Inside.
Your heritage: Chinese with Paranakan blood.
Your fears: I suppose a superficial one would be lizards. I really do dislike them.
Your weaknesses: chocolate?
Your perfect pizza: Eaten with friends :)

Layer Three.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow [hneh]
Your first thoughts waking up: Am I late???
Your bedtime: I'm trying to make it before midnight.
Your most missed memory: I don't like delving into memories.

Layer Four
Your pick.
Pepsi or Cola: I don't like soft drinks. haughty sniff.
Mcdonald's or BK: tough.. because as a principle I don't like fast food. we shall leave it as that.
Adidas or Nike: I do not like nike, because it exploits children in sweatshops. Again, that's debatable because some argue that it provides jobs. [sigh this quiz is turning out to be quite complicated too, only in a different way.] okay but I don't know if adidas does that too. But I do know that Nike has no quality. So the lesser of two evils would be adidas I suppose. and I think I think too much. this is exhausting.
Lipton tea or nestea: I have yet to meet someone who can persuade me that Lipton has quality tea. And what on earth is nestea??
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: I can't take either.

Layer Five.
Do you
Smoke: An overwhelming majority of arts students do, I suppose. Happens when you have hardly any substance but a flair for writing. And it's the cigarette that smokes... yr simply the sucker at the end.
Curse: I think I can safely say I don't. By the way, I'm quite convinced that "damn" is a curse word. Like, "I damn you to hell". So maybe we should all think before we say "this is like, damn cool". But I'm not going to be all holier-than-thou and insist that everyone clean up their speech. It really isn't any use striving to be the purest, most righteous person on earth if we don't know why we're doing it... we all fall short in the end. And 99% isn't enough for perfection, you know. That's why we need God's grace. Think about it.

Layer Six.
In the Past Month
Drank alcohol: Probably.. hmm no wait. maybe not. In the past month would be 16th december onwards wouldn't it. yeahhh it's been yf camp, MEET retreat, MEET camp, Home in thailand and then trainings. okay I haven't drank in the past month. Not planning to any time soon, either.
Gone to the mall: errr. oh yeah sure. Just had jap at vivocity on friday.
Been on stage: yes.
Eaten sushi: Refer to the above.
Dyed your hair: The last time I did was when I was 14, when I dyed my hair blue twice in a month but it didn't make any difference because the dye washed out promptly both times so I gave up after the second. It spoilt my hair though, which turned red. [I kid you not.] So when I went back to school people were asking me if I dyed my hair red and then I got caught for having red hair which was so pathetic because I had dyed it blue, for goodness' sakes. But fortunately they were partial to the netballers so the teachers agreed that all the trainings in the sun had damaged my hair, and that's why it turned red. Go figure. [I'm very tempted to call this a hair-raising story. there. I've called a hair-raising story.]

Layer Seven
Have you ever played a stripping game: There are stupid things I have done which I don't quite care to recall. One more reason why I'm eager to leave my teen years behind. OH but I ought to state very firmly that I Did Not take any article of clothes off, no socks nothing. And dinner came before anyone could be indecently dressed, for which I'm eternally grateful.
Changed who you were to fit in: I think a significant reason why my early teen years were difficult is because I didn't fit in with the culture of my school. I did try to, but it didn't work out. There's this facuet of my character that's pretty strong. So what with not fitting in and trying to but my character being too strong for that... it was hard. But that's past now.

Layer Eight
Age you're hoping to be married: Either I marry The One, or I won't marry. So the age is inconsequential. [okay but I think earlier is better if that helps. haha.]

Layer Nine
In a Girl/Boy [I'm assuming mine's Boy, because I'm a girl.]
Best eye colour: Oh, as long as it's looked at me adoringly.
Best hair colour: His natural one; I'm quite sure of that.
Short or long hair: SHORT.

Layer Ten
What were you doing
1 minute ago: A rather enjoyable, if stupid, quiz. This quiz.
1 hour ago: Another quiz. hahaha.
4.5 hours ago: That would be... about 740? Doing QT with kayan.
1 month ago: 16th dec? being harassed by a mad woman on the bus. really. really!
1 year ago: haha! it was my first day at being a teacher of my p2 kids! goodness that has to be one of the most memorable days of my life, and I've got about twenty x 365 of them to choose from. [pause] okay I went to my archives and went to read my first post about teaching.. I think it's quite funny. You should read it too!

Layer Eleven
Finish the sentence
I love: God
I feel: rather rushed now because I have to shower and everything because I have driving soon and then training + a match when I get back but I'm supposed to find out what transubstantiation is and be able to explain why it's wrong from a biblical point of view before QT with tomorrow!
I hate: irresponsibility. and sadly, I think I'm guilty of that too.
I hide: a lot of things.
I miss: I told you, I'm not delving into memories.
I need: God.

Layer Twelve
Tag 5 people to do this
I did this on a whim, because I'm impulsive and prone to sudden inexplicable activities. Not going to inflict this capricious part of me on anyone.


I'd do another quiz, but I really do need to leave about now. what a pity. maybe I'll do some more later.. if I have the energy. grin. It really is rather draining, you know. okay and you don't have to read if you don't want to. Not that you ever had to. haha. Well, here I conclude 2 hours and 40 minutes of directed musing.


harpist said...

I admire your patience in doing such quizzes. I would give up halfway! (: See you around girl! AND WHAT'S WITH ME BEING THE PASTOR'S DAUGHTER EH?


harpist said...

And about your previous posts, methinks you should read the story about stars and dots, punchinello. Lemme dig it out and send it to you :D Just that i don't have your email.

Jack said...

hahaha, apparently, i showed one of my present classmates what you thought my hobby was (going to the toilet).

and apparently, he has got this to say: "hmmmmmm i would think it hasnt changed much"

WHICH OH PLEASE I BEG TO DIFFER. ive gotten too lazy for toilet trips (: howre you doing!!!!

Anonymous said...

you and i would make a GREAT couple. too bad we dont swing that way . haha.
AND THE STAIRS ARE TIRING. and for some strange reason unknown to anyone except for the person who designed the lift, the basement is the 2nd floor so i technically live on the 4th floor! even though it's really 2nd. hah!
i heart you.

Anonymous said...

haha.. she loves me for me! you're extra special to me too dear. love you :)

Anonymous said...

oh and i learnt about transubstantiation in cat class. haha but it's a little late eh.

rpd said...

erica, i've read punchinello :) and err nothing about you being the pastor's daughter. don't complain to your daddy please [ahempastor'sdaughterahem]

and QH you've gotten too lazy for toilet trips???? you should meet sabrina.

speaking of which, sab ohmygosh this is the first time you're talking on my site. truly a momentous occasion. <3 :)

and finally, i wave to hannah (: